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Honor Nancy Grundahl by supporting our New Commission Music Fund

In celebration of Nancy Grundahl’s retirement this spring, we are excited to announce a new fund to keep supporting new music written just for our Angelica singers.


About this fund:
Angelica has a strong tradition of commissioning music for our singers from composers such as Malcolm Dalglish, Tim Takach, Dan Kallman, and Steve Heitzeg; composers who understand the complexity of writing for singers of a wide variety of ages and musical abilities, and who enjoy the challenge of finding a text that will resonate with children of varying degrees of maturity and understanding. Our singers benefit from learning and performing a piece that has been written especially for them. 


This new fund honors Nancy Grundahl, who has dedicated her talents to our young singers through her artistic leadership for 25 years and who has composed countless original works for our choirs. By creating this fund in her name, we ensure that new choral works will be written especially for our young singers -- music that will challenge them and instill the values of creativity, craft, and fresh ideas.

$1-249 Donor                      

$250-499 Friend

$500 – 999 Founder

$1,000+ Legacy                 


($25 and up donations may designate In honor, Memory etc. in May 7 program at Ordway Concert Hall)

Gifts will be acknowledged in the giving year.


LEGACY $1,000+
$5,000 designated by Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs Board of Directors
Jen & Derek Reise In Honor of Nancy Grundahl

Craig & Rebecca Waller With thanks to Nancy Grundahl

Stephen & Nancy Grundahl

Mike & Teena Bolin In Honor of Nancy Grundahl

FOUNDER $500 - $999
Randi Grundahl Rexroth & Rick Rexroth With Love to Nancy Grundahl

Rita and David Docter With appreciation and admiration to one of my “life heroes” Nancy Grundahl! You have changed the world with your music, your teaching and your beautiful spirit!!  Thank you for enriching and blessing our lives!!

Ann Schrooten


FRIEND $250 - $499
William H. Reinhardt, Jr. With thanks to Nancy Grundahl
Benjamin and Melissa Hersey In Honor of Nancy Grundahl

Leif Grundahl


DONOR $1 - $249

Tali and Livvy Baldzicki With thanks to Nancy Grundahl

Jannel Trobec Dedicated to Nancy Grundahl

Julia and Stephanie Sunnarborg In Honor of Nancy and all her positive impact in ACYC!

Laura Bryan In Honor of Nancy Grundahl

Sarah Waller With thanks to Aunt Nancy for her choral influence in my life!

Andrew, Mark, Dan and Stephen Waller In Memory of Mary E. Waller

Jeff Koll and Katy Noonan Koll In Memory of Peggy Noonan Faerber

Alice and Noah Anderson With Thanks to Nancy Grundahl

Anne & Lou Holzman

Chris & Susie Schrader In Honor of your singers Forrest, Gus, and Andie

Edward & Renee Hammes With Thanks to Nancy Grundahl

Edward & Renee Hammes Dedicated to Ann Schrooten

Pam Oman In Memory of Bob Oman

The Kaare Family In Celebration of Nancy Grundahl

Nancy & William Penk In Honor of Nancy GrundahlDone

Paul & Annette Krohg In Honor of Maren & Erik Krohg

Andrea Dittmer & Emma Liddle With Thanks to Nancy Grundahl
Andrea Dittmer & Emma Liddle With Thanks to Ann Schrooten

Andy and Sarah Oman Dedicated to Elsa Oman

The Flatley Family With Thanks to Nancy Grundahl

Grandpa & Grandma In Celebration of Nora Mohamed’s 11 wonderful years of Angelica!

Kristina Rexroth With Love to Ani

Steven Schneider

Dan and Luz Digre In Honor of Nancy Grundahl

The Hedbergs With Thanks to Philip Brown

The Hedbergs With Thanks to Audrey Riddle

The Hedbergs With Thanks to All the mangers over John's 4 years singing with Angelica Cantanti

The Hedberts With Thanks to Kate Niemisto

The Heitzmann Family In Celebration of Nancy Grundahl

Ken & Barb Waletzko In Honor of Rita Docter

Jim and Jean Koleske With Thanks to The gifted directors at Angelica

The Temte Family In Celebration of Nancy Grundahl

Mom and Dad In Celebration of Harrison and Claire Becker "Never stop singing!"

Victoria Biggs With Thanks to Clifford Earl Biggs

Victoria Hipolito-Biggs In Honor of Dr. Diego and Vicky Hipolito

Ahmed Mohamed and Tami Mohamed Brown With Love to Nora Mohamed
Robin Churchill

Dianne Prieditis

Jane Kalal

Andrea Dittmer & Emma Liddle With Thanks to Sandy Enstrom

Andrea Dittmer & Emma Liddle With Thanks to Kate Niemisto

Judy Kersten In Memory of Miles and Eveline Kersten

Craig and Kirsten Hargreaves With Love to Kari Hargreaves

Emma Sellner With Thanks to Nancy Grundahl

Nadiya, Snezhanna and Kseniya Medvedowski With Love and Thanks to Music Maestro Nancy Grundahl!

Marie Burton With Thanks to Nancy Grundahl for the many memories. I love the repertoire you compose especially for ACYC and I am always moved when a song my daughter sang when she was young comes to life again in your choir. We have so enjoyed our time with, and the experiences provided to us by ACYC over the last 15 years. The 2004 trip to San Francisco was amazing! Thank you for your dedication to ACYC, providing premier choral performance opportunities for youth. Encore!

Rita Docter With Thanks to Ann Schrooten, for teaching us to love making music together, and helping us to experience  the power of music to communicate, heal, break through barriers, create community and transport the soul!!

Rita Docter With Thanks to Sandy Enstrom, for your years as our artistic Angelica colleague! What splendid adventures we have had!

Alan and Sandy Winegarden In Celebration of Peyton and Kieran Winegarden, the love of music which Angelica has instilled in them, and in honor of Ann Schrooten and her dedication to helping students love music.



Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs

1800 W. Old Shakopee Road

Bloomington, MN  55431

(952) 563-8572


"We are friends forever when we sing together, the whole world is better when we sing."

                                                                                                        -Wallace Hornady

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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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